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Round Two LLC- focusing on delivering your business message and building valuable assets that better define the way your business is positioned in the marketplace.

Are you delivering your brand message consistently across all your customer touchpoints?

I would be honored to help. Responsible for promoting your company brand and helping your company grow, through radio, promotions, Media Podcast, social media and event opportunities. If you are looking to grow your business and showcase your brand then I can certainly help you achieve your goals. Our Creative Platforms develop marketing communications focused on lead generation – bringing relevant people to your business. 

Joseph Hozempa
Founder and Principal

Joe Hozempa is President of Round Two LLC. Round Two LLC- focuses on delivering your business message and building valuable assets that better define the way your business is positioned in the marketplace. Joe is responsible for promoting your company brand and helping your company grow through branding, advertising and creative platforms. Hozempa also hosted a talk radio show on WBLQ called the Business Roundtable - A weekly radio program highlighting business accomplishments, affairs, and resources offered to the entrepreneur in all of us. Joe has 24 years experience in marketing and sales he holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and political science from Rhode Island College and his spare time he enjoys golf, mountain bikes, guitar, road trips to Hilton head so we can golf in the winter and wine….definitely wine! 

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